Hyprocure Week 3

Well it’s finally week 3. In two more weeks I’m off to get the other foot done.

I’ve been trying to get off of ibuprofen for the last couple of days. But today my foot is just achey, so I think I’ll go back on it for a while still…

I still get paranoid about the stent moving, which seems stupid at this point.

Here’s a before and after animation.

Weird thing is I can kinda “try” to put my foot in the old position… but it just hurts too much.

I’ve been getting stronger on my toes also, and am almost ready to go downstairs unaided by a railing.


If you look closely you can see the correction achieved!

Here’s my wound after 3 weeks.

Hyprocure Week 2

Well… it’s been two weeks.

Most of the pain in my foot is gone! Yay

However… I did notice something odd. I can’t go down stairs.I did a little experiment and found out this: Basically I can’t put my left foot lower than my right foot because that would require me to bend my right foot forward. Doing this makes my foot “want” to collapse into the old position (I assume because my tendons are tight or something) but doing this causes a lot of pain. I’m thinking I have to slowly stretch my foot out now.


On a side note here’s a picture of my incision in all of its glorious (or gory) details.


Hyprocure Day 9/10

This post is written halfway on day 10 and so will be both days merged.

Yesterday went pretty good. My foot just feels “tired” all the time. Also my right heel was just uncomfortable in my shoe. It just felt like “bam, bam, bam” whenever I walked. So I bought a pair of Dr. Scholls Gel inserts for $15. That made my shoe feel alot nicer this morning. Plus I can put the other insert into the left shoe, instead of my old orthotic, when I have that surgery.

This morning my foot felt VERY tired, but as the day went on it feels “normal again.



I took these pictures to show you the difference now.

I have an arch! 😀

Granted I was sitting down when taking this picture but I tried to put as much weight to the inside of my foot as possible.

Also, note the rough redness in my arch. You know what that is? An old callous… maybe it’ll disappear now!

I have no idea what the white spots are on my heel… maybe I’m an alien. 😛



That’s the incision they made. You can see the bruising around my heel also. That stitch sticking out is kinda creepy too.




Does anyone know why I’m bruised near my toes? Maybe the doctor grabbed my foot REAL hard there?

Hyprocure Week 1: The Beginning

Wow… that was quite an experience. I’m walking without crutches now (though carefully) and boy does my foot feel different. I’ve noticed that when I walk I go through these motions now.

1 Heel touches ground

2 I plant my foot and most weight is going to the outside edge

3 I push off with the ball of my foot with emphasis on the big toe

That’s how a normal stride should be right? But of course my foot is not used to this and gets tired very easily. But with time it should become my new “normal”

Oh and here’s the xrays I promised

Hyprocure Day 7

I’m writing this post a little early today…

Tomorrow will be 1 week since I’ve had the surgery done.

I’ve been to the doctor and he said everything looks fine. I had a size 8 put in my foot. I could’ve had a size 9 he said but then my big toe would’ve been off the ground. Because I’ve had this problem for so long my foot is slightly deformed. He also said I’m one of the more severe cases he’s done yet.

This picture is my foot right after they removed the bandage. I am only slightly swollen around the incision. It feels like I have a goos egg on my foot :/

That dark blue mark is the doctor’s initials, in case you were wondering.

I am going to have the other foot done in around 2 weeks from now.

I got a new pair of shoes today. My old shoes made my foot hurt worse than when I was barefoot. The old orthotic was very painful also. Barefoot I feel fine. I don’t even really need crutches now, but the doctor says to take it slow and avoid uneven terrain.

I can take a shower now (FINALLY) but I am not to take a bath or use a hot tub. (Bummer…)

When I got home I took this picture


Here I’m pulling both feet back as far as they will go. See the difference! It’s really an awesome surgery.

Hyprocure Day 4

Okey Dokey… not much else has happened today. I actually feel like “stretching” my foot, or maybe flexing is more accurate. I’m still paranoid that I might dislocated the stent. Probably just my personality problems 😉

I still can’t walk on it but tried to hobble with crutches to the bathroom. Not a pleasant experience.

Brandon, signing out…

Hyprocure Day 3

So far so good on day 3. I’m not in as much pain as I expected (from reading other people’s experiences) Infact, I really haven’t had much to complain about. My foot is uncomfortable but it still seems to be from my accident yesterday.

Today I can actually feel my toes again and wiggle them without a problem.

I’ve been in bed all day and haven’t really moved except to go to the bathroom of course, which is not really fun when you have to use crutches.

My checkup appointment is going to be on Monday. I expect them to remove the bandage around my foot.

Come to think of it I think I can actually feel the incision today. I am going to assume that the local anesthesia has worn off then.

I’ll post the xray pictures on tuesday.

Keep Prayin’!


Hyprocure Day 2

Day 2 went without a hitch… I woke up with no pain.
Therefore I didn’t take any Vicodin. However halfway during the day
I attempted to go up some stairs with crutches and tripped. The
inside of my right foot was used as leverage against the fall.
After that experience I began to feel some discomfort and took some
Vicodin. I was so afraid I might have dislocated the stent. My foot
seems to be slightly skewed when I compare it to the picture of me
holding my foot up in the last post. But I think this is probably
more likely due to swelling because it is painful to put my foot in
a straight position. (i.e. move my ankle to be straight) But Day 2
was a piece of cake I guess… Oh and incase anyone wonders I am
writing these in the morning. (So right now it is Day 3 but in the
morning 😉 ) Edit: I think I’m over reacting. Here is a